Thursday, 31 May 2012

Rabbit. Tweety Pie (Really bad). Suit. Eeyore. Union Jack and Rimmed black.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Quick Union Jack. Not neat but I was in a hurry :)

Not a very good picture because it was taken on my phone :)



First attempt at Spongebob.

Paint Pens. Foils. Printing Paint. Printing Disk. Disk Wiper. Precision Sticks.
Adhesive. 2 in 1 paint

Foils. Paint pens. Gems

Small gems. White printing paint. Red paint pen

Shoe Laces



Shushinkai Shitoryu


Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Landscape... Not very good. I know. But I just wanted to try it and see how it looked :)